Beacon Education

Beacon Primary School
Principal: Lisa Malatesta
Phone: (08) 9686 0700
Address: Post Office Box 69
Beacon WA 6472
P&C President – Samantha Eatts
Secretary – Alisa de San Miguel
Treasurer – Krista Lancaster
Beacon Primary School is a small, vibrant school located in the north-eastern Wheatbelt, catering for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our school has an experienced, enthusiastic and caring staff that are committed to providing the best learning opportunities for the children in our care in a safe and welcoming environment. Our multi-age classes offer a range of programs that enhance student learning, and allow all students to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to become confident, independent learners. Our staff strive to support the academic, social and emotional development of all students across the primary years to prepare our students to be able to make a positive contribution to society now, and in their future lives.
The school, located on Broadbent Street, comprises two classes – Junior (Kindergarten to Year 2), and Senior (Year 3 to Year 6) – and serves the residents of the townsite and surrounding farms within the area.
As a small rural school we have strong relationships with schools within the region which benefits students by providing them with opportunities to regularly participate in educational, cultural, sporting and social events that allow them to form friendships with children from other schools. The Ninghan Cell, comprised of 6 local schools (Beacon, Bencubbin, Koorda, Nungarin and Trayning Primary Schools, and Mukinbudin District High School), hosts learning activities such as Cultural, Maths and STEM Challenge days; sports carnivals such as swimming, athletics and cross country; and a range of incursions to add to the learning program across our schools. We are also part of the wider Inland Lighthouse Network which supports the school through additional learning experiences (leadership, Science) and the professional development of our staff. To further enrich the curriculum, PEAC courses are available for select Year 5 and 6 students.
We have a rich history, where our school and the community work together to provide an education that meets the needs of individual students, and provides the foundation for each student’s future education. Our students are our main priority and delivering an environment of High Performance and High Care is always at the forefront of what we do.
Our school plays an integral role in the Beacon community and parents and community members play an active and important part in ensuring students are provided with the best possible learning opportunities. Staff and parents work in partnership to ensure every child has a positive, happy and rewarding school experience.
The school is strongly supported by the School Council and an active Parents and Citizens Association. Our parent body is passionate about supporting our students and this is evident with the ongoing, dedicated support they provide in classrooms, at carnivals and in fundraising events.
Children who live on outlying farms are eligible for a bus service to and from school provided by the Public Transport Authority. The school currently has two bus runs which are contracted to the one supplier. The children at the extremes of the bus run travel a maximum of 50 minutes to school each day.
External agencies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, mobile dental clinic and Student Psychological Services regularly visit the school.
School colours: Royal Blue and Gold
Specialist classes: Music
Physical Education: Health
Languages (Mandarin)
Further Information is available here. Dept of Education.

Beacon P & C
President: Samantha Eatts
Secretary: Alisa de San Miguel
Treasurer: Krista Lancaster
The Beacon P & C is a volunteer organisation of parents and community members working together to support the school.
The P&C provide physical support to the school through busy bees and financial support to fund learning experiences or assist in the purchasing of equipment to improve the educational opportunities for students at Beacon Primary School. The P & C undertakes a range of fundraising to support the school, notably catering during the Winter Sports Season.
Beacon P&C meetings are held once per term (on the third Monday of each school term).
New parents and members are always welcome.