Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contacts


St. Johns Ambulance

St. Johns Ambulance Phone: (08) 9686 1020 or
Kununoppin Hospital Phone: (08) 9683 2044
Emergency CB number: 5


Beacon Health Centre

Beacon Health Centre Phone: (08) 9686 1020


Nearest Hospitals

Kununoppin Hospital
Phone: (08) 9683 2044
Kununoppin Health Service: 9683 0222
Merredin Health Service: 9081 3222


Royal Flying Doctor Service

Royal Flying Doctor Activated by:
Beacon Health Centre - Silver Chain
Phone: (08) 9686 1020

Lifeline crisis support logo


13 11 14
24 hours a day, seven days a week

Suicide Call Back Service logo

Suicide Call Back Service

1300 659 467
24 hours a day, seven days a week

MensLine mental health logo

MensLine Australia

1300 78 99 78
For men of any age

healthdirect logo

Health Direct Helpline

1800 022 222
24 hours/7days a week for non-urgent health enquires, providing free advice and reassurance

Local Police

Local Police Phone: (08) 9685 1220
Emergency 000
Merredin Police Station (08) 9041 1322
Mukinbudin Police Station (08) 9047 1005



Fire Phone: 0427 966 725
Emergency CB number: 5


Fire & Harvest Bans​

Harvest Ban Hotline: 9487 0671
For the latest Emergency Services information visit: fesa.wa.gov.au/alerts
Total Fire Bans:
Alerts Warnings:
Dept of Environment & Conservation Prescribed Burns: dpaw.wa.gov.au/ management/fire/prescribed-burning
Dept of Environment & Conservation Alerts


State Emergency Services (SES)
Located in Koorda Phone: (08) 9684 1393

RuralLink specialist after hours mental health service advertisement


1800 552 002
Specialist after hours mental health telephone people in rural communities of Western Australia

Kids Helpline - illustration of child talking on phone

Kids Helpline

1800 551 800
For young people 5-25 years

Automated External Defibrillator Locations (AED’s)

Beacon Co-op/Grocery Store

On wall inside front entrance on Left hand side of sliding doors.

Beacon Recreation Complex 

In Gym alcove around the corner at the southern end of the Complex verandah on the wall inside double glass doors.

Alcove doors are open all hours

Beacon Mens Shed

Inside Beacon Mens Shed.


When there is an emergency, the public defibrillator acts as an immediate measure to use whilst waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest, the use of the AED in the first few minutes can improve the chances of survival and potentially save someone’s life.

Fully automated system with voice prompts allowing inexperienced people to use it.

Located in an accessible business and community facility for anyone to use.

Photo of the AED portable defibrillator

Click here to learn how to use an AED.

Beacon Volunteer Fire Services

Brigade Captain: Noel Miguel
Mobile: 0427 966 725

Truck Mobile: 0427 648 035
CB Number: 5
Administration Officer:
Karley Dunne
Phone: (08) 9686 1104


bcn fire volunteers
emergency contacts - Fire and Emergency numbers

Your local Bush Fire Control Officers are:


Damian Tomas    08 9685 128     0429 010 574


Brett Clark  –  08 9686 1171 or 0427 486 012


(Gabbin) Terry Gobbart  08 9684 8042 / 0428 848 042

(Wialki) Brett Clark – 08 9686 1171 / 0427 486 012

(Beacon) Noel Miguel – 0427 966 725

(Cleary) Tim Cashmore – 08 9686 6048 / 0427 926 684

(Welbungin) Anthony Sasche – 0429 851 257

(Shire) Jordan Millar  08 9685 1202 / 0429 851 318

Burning Periods

Restricted Burning Period – 19th September to 31st October (A permit to Burn is required)

Prohibited Burning Period  – 1st November to 28th February (No burning)

Restricted Burning Period  – 1st March to 31st March (A permit to Burn is required) 

Permits are issued on a daily basis & conditions apply. Burning cannot be carried out on the day if a Very High or Extreme or above fire danger has been issued by the Bureau of Meteorology. 

Burning of Garden Refuse and Rubbish

Garden refuse and rubbish may be burnt at any time, day or night, in a properly constructed incinerator designed to prevent the escape of sparks or burning material.

Garden refuse and rubbish burnt on the ground may be burnt only between the hours of 6 o’clock in the evening and 11 o’clock of the same day and must be completely extinguished no later than midnight on that day. 

Ensure running water is on hand. Do not leave the fire unattended.

What you can and can't do during a Total Fire Ban day

A Total Fire Ban is declared on a day when a fire is most likely to spread rapidly (because of extreme fire weather) or if there are already widespread fires and we don’t have the resources to fight more.

The lighting of open-air fires or any other activity in the open air that is likely to cause a fire is banned.

In open-air, you cannot:

  • Light, maintain or use a fire (even when camping)
  • Burn leaves, garden waste or grass cuttings
  • Use an incinerator
  • Grind, weld, solder, gas cut or use any other type of ‘hot works’
  • Use fireworks
  • Operate a hot-air balloon
  • Fire up a BBQ that uses solid fuel 
  • Use an outdoor wood-fired pizza oven or stove (Some industries and activities can be given an exemption, but you will need to show that you have a proper fire plan in place. If you want more information or to apply for an exemption, visit dfes.wa.gov.au/totalfirebans

In any area where there is bush, crops, pasture and stubble, you cannot use:

  • A car
  • A tractor
  • A motorbike
  • A motocross bike
  • A quad bike
  • A dune buggy

You can use vehicles:

  • In any area where there is bush, crops, pasture and stubble for agricultural purposes if the local government hasn’t declared a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban
  • If it’s on a road or on a lane, driveway track or in an area that has been sufficiently cleared of flammable material.

In a shed with one or more open sides, you cannot use:

  • An angle grinder
  • Power tools
  • Welder

You can use these tools inside your shed if it is fully enclosed on all sides (i.e. has a door, four walls and a roof), so sparks don’t blow outside.

In any area where there is bush, crops, pasture and stubble, you cannot use:

  • A chainsaw or lawn mower
  • A plant trimmer or grass trimmer
  • A generator
  • Bobcats, excavators, bulldozers (or any similar machines) 

You cannot use any BBQ or cooker (including Webers) that requires solid fuel: – Wood – Charcoal – Heat beads

You can use a gas or electric BBQ or cooker, if:

  • It’s a permanent BBQ in a public picnic area
  • You use it in a public space within the sign posted BBQ area
  • It’s at or in your home But, only if:
  • It has an enclosed flame
  • You clear all material around it, within a 5m radius, that can burn
  • It is always attended by a responsible adult
  • An immediate and continuous supply of water is nearby, e.g. a garden hose
  • You ensure no hot material escapes the area.


Looking after your farm.

The immediate welfare of your animals, such as urgent watering and feeding, has an automatic exemption.

If you’re a farmer, you can:

  • Harvest your crop
  • Feed or water your stock in a paddock

Operate or move an aeroplane or helicopter

This is assuming that a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban has not been declared by your local government. You must also check with your local government if you need any fire suppression equipment. If you conduct any of the above activities, you must ensure: – Your vehicle is mechanically sound – The exhaust system is in good condition (free of gas leaks and/or has a well-maintained spark arrester) – That all reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent a bushfire starting.

Total Fire Ban and a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban If both a Total Fire Ban and a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban are in place, you cannot use a vehicle, equipment or machinery that’s powered by an internal combustion engine on land covered by bush, crop, pasture or stubble.

Check if there’s a Total Fire Ban in place today by:

  • Visiting the Emergency WA website (emergency.wa.gov.au)
  • Calling 13 DFES (133 337)
  • Calling the TFB Hotline 1800 709 355

Total Fire Bans affect everyone Every Western Australian is affected including farmers, campers, construction workers and residents in both urban and rural areas. If you need more information or advice call the TFB Hotline on 1800 709 355. You will be fined if you ignore a Total Fire Ban. You will get a $1,000 on-the-spot fine. And if it’s a serious breach, you could get up to a $25,000 fine and/or be jailed for 12 months.